As another year draws to a close, we would like to extend a sincere thank you for your business and support during 2022. It is a time of reflection, and a time to look to the coming New Year. We feel fortunate to have emerged from the cloud of COVID and its many challenges.

Thankfully, we were also able to advance our technologies and understanding of new materials and their applications, most notably, 3D printing of nightguards/bruxguards and the ability to plan and produce surgical guides with the use of Co-Diagnostic implant case planning software. With a continued focus on implant and digital dentistry, we are increasing the range of services we can provide the dental community.

We hope the very best for you, your family and staff in what awaits us for 2023.

Please respond to the survey below by return mail, phone call or the survey link on our website. Thank you for your assistance in improving our services!